Camp Foster YMCA

Camp Foster YMCA Spirit Lake, IA October 24, 2012

At Foster we were greeted by Ryan, he is the day camp director as well as the director of off season groups. We later met Patrick who is the resident camp program director. Both guys were super willing to share with us the cool things about their jobs and the unique place they work. Camp Foster just celebrated its hundred year anniversary and in the basement of their dining hall they have memorialized some of camps past and its history in a museum like room filled with a running video, shelves of artifacts, and a catalog of pictures all depicting what camp Foster is all about. One of the exciting parts of Foster we thought was unique was their low ropes course. Legend has it that a dragon sleeps beneath their course and so as a result there is an obstacle course like feel to the area. What a cool way to engage younger kids. Foster has also just realized Patrick’s dream of having a Paint ball course. We got to walk around the barracks and the battle field and let me tell you it looks like a loads of fun.
