Pearce Williams Christian Centre

Pearce Williams Christian Centre Fingle, ON September 19, 2012

From the moment we met Joe Richards we knew we were in for something different. Joe is a no nonsense, go big or go home kinda guy and his camp is every bit a refection of him, from the way they hire staff to the think different way they run many different groups a time during the summer. Maybe the most incredible new idea at Pierce Williams is their World Camp. World camp is a work in progress but is modeled after the Heffer fund where participants will come to camp and live in different forms of shanty housing from all over the world and get a chance to use experiential learning to teach about poverty, hunger, and other giant global issues. This is just one of Joe’s many ideas on how summer camps as an industry needs to change from the way things always have been, because the future is full of plenty of potential struggles for traditional summer camp. What is great about Joe is his big picture radical ideas and his ability to put his money where is mouth is.
