Sanborn Western Camps

Sanborn Western Camps
Florissant, Colorado
November 13, 2012
It's hard to know where to start with Sanborn. It is easy to see why they are a leader of camping in Colorado. We were lucky enough to stay at Sanborn for three days while they hosted the Rocky Mountain ACA Conference. Will, the Equestrian director, took us on a tour of the Sanborn boy’s and Girl’s camp on the first day we were there. The girls camp, called High Trails Ranch, has awesome cabin facilities and what looked like some great programs. The boys camp, called Big Spring Ranch, was built first and when years later they were offered cabins the boys vigorously turned them down preferring the night sky from their tents. The real magic at Sanborn happens during the programs when their incredible staff is playing, leading and creating along side the kids. Deputy All Day is just one program that Will described to us. Imagine the bad guys capture the camp nurse and it is the boys and their valant steeds job to rescue her. The program culminates at Sunburns 4 story tree house where the boys demand the nurse be released to the tune of hundreds of cap guns booming. Also I can’t leave out some of the programs that Sanborn runs during the school year for school groups. Based out of the Inner Barn they have a life size cell, a time line of history that raps around the room a few times, and a freezer filled with recently deceased animals, I was so excited to hold a real pack rat, rattle snakes, birds, and other small mammals. How cool and what a cool learning tool. Don’t worry there were about 4 or 5 gallons of hand sanitizer next to the fridge.