Camp Korey at Carnation FarmsCarnation, Washington November 30, 2012
As we rolled up to Camp Korey we were not sure if we were at the right place. Huge White building and Red roofs cover the hillside. We met Trylla an AmeriCorps volunteer who is in charge of volunteer and staff recruitment. This camp is a Serious Fun camp, we have heard so much about this organization which was started by Paul Newman and originally called Hole In the Wall Gang Camps. These camps are specifically for kids with special heath conditions and focuses on giving these kids back the childhood that was changed by their illness. There are 13 Serious fun camps across the United States and a few more abroad. As Trylla showed us around camp we were excited to learn the history of this particular place. Once the Carnation family farm the grounds are covered in english style gardens and big majestic buildings. They were bought by Nestlé and used as the Nestlé training headquarters before the Carnation family bought the place back in order to have in the family. They rent the property to camp Korey for a dollar! This kind of generosity is echoed throughout the whole camp and staff. They give every kid that comes to camp a hand made quilt and pillow case that they then bring back year after year. The Health center specifically looks nothing like a doctor’s office or hospital, ensuring these kids a break from the sterile health facilities they frequent outside of camp. We were happy to take part in the cleaning and organizing of their incredible costume room. Completely donated, the room must foster and encourage wild imaginations for hundreds of campers each summer.