Afternoons With Jeff Hoben

Thanks to all campers and staff of 2013 for making the Cassidy Games of Summer Camp 2013 the best edition yet! We're already making plans for next year's edition, which promises to be even better! Thank you for your wonderful support of Camp Gray!


Lots of camps are searching for simple ways to engage campers year round and create an online community similar to what is created each summer at camp. Our friends Jeff Hoben and Topher Aderhold at Camp Gray are using video to recreate or give a glimpse of the magic that happens each summer. I love that most of the Camp Gray videos are brilliant in their timing and humor but never too complicated to make while giving an honest reflection of what happens at camp.

“Afternoons with Jeff Hoben" is a talk show where Jeff the director interviews camp

If you attended Summer Camp in 2013, perhaps you remember Ricky, Camp's quirky Cassidy Games referee. He's a bit of a mystery, and we wanted to learn more about him, so we were excited to have him on for the 4th installment of the AFTERNOONS with Jeff Hoeben Show!

They have done music Mondays where each Monday they uploaded music from the summer.

Thanks for tuning in to Episode NINE of the 2nd Season of Camp Gray's MUSIC MONDAYS! For more information about MUSIC MONDAYS, please click the following link:

They do periodic webisodes that are sprinkled with humor and a christian message.

Former CG staffer, and present day Youth Minister/Videographer, Blaine Hechimovich, spent two weeks at Camp Gray this summer collecting hours upon hours of video footage for a project called, THE CG WEBISODE SERIES. We hope you enjoy Episode 1! We'll be airing a new episode bi-monthly (wait, does that mean every two months or twice monthly?

Check out more on their youtube channel

